Comments on: You Will Never Be Good Enough For David Brooks Culture, Politics, Academia and Other Shiny Objects Wed, 25 Jan 2017 17:47:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Timothy Burke Wed, 25 Jan 2017 17:47:02 +0000 In reply to Pat.

I think if you read back in my blog a month or so, you will see I am not saying we have the coalition we need and no more. Quite the opposite. The point here is that building the coalition we need does not involve telling everyone who is already mobilized that they’re not wanted or needed, that only the people who are not in the coalition yet really matter. It does no good at all to build a coalition that by its nature drives off some of the people already mobilized, which is what I think Brooks is doing: preferring some unattainable perfect over the already-existing good. The question really is: who could be part of a coalition for a better politics (and against Trump’s awful politics) who isn’t now, and what does it take to make common cause with them? The answer can’t be: get rid of some of the people who marched or supported the marches first. That’s at best zero-sum, likely worse than that. Are there bridges that could be built (that perhaps Hillary Clinton and her closest supporters neglected to build)? Yes, I think so. But Brooks could write more concretely about what those look like, and I think others *have* written more concretely about them.

By: Lee Brimmicombe-Wood Wed, 25 Jan 2017 17:07:45 +0000 Brooks seems like that worst kind of centrist, the one who defines themselves by what they are not. So they are not one of those unwashed Liberals, for example. And if Liberalism moves rightward to accommodate them, they scuttle ever-rightward to protect their purity.

By: lemmy caution Wed, 25 Jan 2017 16:54:12 +0000 My 5th grader has basically memorized all of Larry Gonick’s history of the universe series.

By: Hattie Wed, 25 Jan 2017 16:28:52 +0000 Came here via comment on Nancy Nall’s blog. I can’t bear to read Brooks ex. now & then, so this is very helpful. He sounds like my brother in law, who is always going on about how we have to reason together but just wants to control everyone.

By: Pat Wed, 25 Jan 2017 13:56:06 +0000 I haven’t read the Brooks column, and probably won’t – but I’m not happy with yours either. You seem to be saying ‘we have the coalition we need right now, we should just continue to support them’ – but that coalition wasn’t enough people to win the election. We need to get more people on board with the democratic agenda, and that means the democratic agenda will have to change in at least some respects. I think some will have to be substantive, like switching our focus back toward the problems of the working class, and some will have to be symbolic and invitational.

I think you are wrong when you say “anything which excludes pluralism, which rejects diversity, which ignores identity, which denies difference, is not going to serve as a unifying, coherent, rallying force”. I think that is the essence of a unifying and coherent rallying force; it needs to address problems that affect people of as many identities as possible and bring them together on that basis, rather than dividing us into subgroups. Otherwise you end up with something like the Occupy movement, marching to the four winds because no one group has convinced the others that its issue should be dealt with first. It may be tempting to say that there is no issue on which enough USians agree to justify putting it first – but Trump found one, in fact he appears to have found several. And most of them should have been democratic party priorities long before he burst on the scene.

By: Doug Wed, 25 Jan 2017 11:34:15 +0000 “Friends don’t let friends read David Brooks,” is what I usually say. But I thank you deeply for the full version.

Further – “anything which excludes pluralism, which rejects diversity, which ignores identity, which denies difference, is not going to serve as a unifying, coherent, rallying force” — is most excellent.

By: Timothy Burke Wed, 25 Jan 2017 03:13:27 +0000 In reply to Fats Durston.

This. Every single time he’d describe what he wanted from national politics, I basically said: this is like listening to someone on a dating service describe the perfect partner, then meet the perfect partner and reject them because somehow they wanted something else–and then go back and repost the ad exactly as before. Even he seemed to know it before the election started–he came this close to admitting it, but in that freaky unreflective, unaware way that he has. Like he would burst into flames if he had to admit he’d been kissing the wrong asses for years.

By: Fats Durston Wed, 25 Jan 2017 02:40:44 +0000 I yell at the radio whenever NPR puts him on. He’s evil.

Every month during the Obama presidency it seemed he wrote an article lamenting American politics not quite producing the right kind of governance, a failure of especially of Democratic partisanship, and then in his imagined perfect polity basically described the Obama administration.

By: Barry Wed, 25 Jan 2017 01:41:34 +0000 Brooks is one those ‘centrists’ whose ‘centrism’ will always come down to supporting the right/not opposing it.

By: Timothy Burke Wed, 25 Jan 2017 00:34:18 +0000 Thanks, Larry! Long time no see indeed, though I continue to liberally foist your work on everyone I can catch.
