Comments on: On Not Going Back to School Culture, Politics, Academia and Other Shiny Objects Tue, 13 Dec 2011 11:57:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: sarah Tue, 13 Dec 2011 11:57:17 +0000 It would be a lot easier to make use of syllabi and class lectures available online
if it were possible to buy online copies of course readers, or for people not affiliated with a university to get access to academic journals (and books!).

By: Jael Fergusson Mon, 12 Dec 2011 23:02:04 +0000 The only self-directed people I know who seem to do OK are programmers. I don’t know if it’s the nature of the work (binary? forgive the pun… either the code works or it doesn’t, regardless of any traditional degree or certification) or something else. Other professions seem to want more of that traditional “authentication.” Or am I making too much of this?

As a non-financially focused pursuit, however, I’m right with you. The day I don’t learn something new is the day I die, etc.

By: lemmy caution Tue, 06 Dec 2011 07:24:43 +0000 I was thinking about this guy:

You are right that the other article was written by a philosopher.

Admittedly, access to actually useful law review articles is better than ever thanks to the internet.

By: Trevor Owens Tue, 06 Dec 2011 00:26:00 +0000 The potential for the web to connect you with people and let us teach ourselves is really exciting, and I wholeheartedly agree with your way of construing higher education primarily as a credentialing mechanism.

However, I find it difficult to square this with the role that a lot of these conversations end up playing as part of bigger arguments about supporting education as a public good. Aside from the merits of the teach-your-self model, I think there is a bigger reason for why groups like the gates foundation are supporting the idea of DIY education. Ex And I think that it is largely part of Gene Glass’s diagnosis of the trajectory of educational reform in Fertilizers, Pills & Magnetic Strips. In short, DIY education fits very nicely as part of an argument for defunding education as a public good.

Like I said, I think this is really exciting stuff, and I want to be on board, but I also am hopeful that we can come up with ways to think about integrating this kind of education with public education, if only to help more broadly provide opportunities and show the possibilities to people who won’t otherwise be aware of them.

I realize that this public good argument is much less of a concern at the graduate level than at each previous level of education, but there are similar arguments being made about undergraduate education as well.

By: Vielle Sat, 03 Dec 2011 23:25:00 +0000 Hm. A how-to manual for autodidacts…. am I the only one who sees the irony?

I wanted to comment on a slippery little passage in the original post, though: “Graduate school is primarily about credentialling for particular professional objectives…If the goal is to pick up a new bit of concrete knowledge or skill, there are other and better ways to do it. If the goal is to extend a lifelong engagement with knowledge and critical thinking, graduate school will generally get in the way.”

(1) Credentialling is related to professionalization; it usually serves to restrict access to a profession, for reasons having more to do with status and cultural clout than safety. (Historically, excluding women has been part of the project, too; the AMA arose in part as a reaction to the growing number of midwives taking care of pregnancy and childbirth and thus eating into physicians’ potential client base.) Although you’re right that safety can be used to justify professionalization, the latter does not guarantee the former: just think of all the unhealthy trends that have been promulgated by MDs; the high rate of iatrogenic illness; the startling rates of morbidity and mortality from prescription drugs (which are, in essence, credentialled or authorized substances). In any case, grad schools produce far more PhD’s, especially in the humanities, than universities can produce faculty positions. No need to restrict access through credentials here.

(2) Does anyone go to graduate (as opposed to professional) school to learn “a concrete knowledge or skill?” This sounds to me more like learning a craft. But grad school should be a great place in which to get intensive training in how to think and write, how to devise good research questions, how to judge sources, etc., in addition to developing relationships with colleagues. It’s much harder after the student phase to find people to pay close attention to your writing/thinking.

(3) Academia has its problems, but to say that graduate school “gets in the way of” a lifelong engagement with learning and critical thinking is going a tad too far. Only a small minority of people go to grad school; most these days go into the corporate world. Business is certainly the dominant culture—think how often we hear Americans referred to as “consumers” or “workers” instead of citizens—but it is not exactly known for self-criticism and ongoing humility before the vast realm of the unknown. Indeed, practical capitalist types poke fun at the caution that characterizes academic discourse. The fact that completing undergraduate and professional (MD, JD, DDS, and MBA) programs tends to correlate with conservative voting, even in this whacky decade, indicates either that there is a self-selection process for the students who choose those paths, and that most of them are not challenged in their beliefs, or that the students go in without a particular predilection but find conservative ideology more palatable after their training. Graduate school may not achieve enough in getting people to think critically, but it sure beats the alternative.

By: Jay Scott Sat, 03 Dec 2011 18:32:01 +0000 I went to grad school because nobody around me was interested in what I was interested in. I thought I could learn faster and better and more if I immersed myself in a world where everybody had similar interests. And I was right–I had misadventures along the way, but my basic goal paid off.

Now I work for a university, and as a perk I can take classes in almost anything. But I don’t, because I believe I can learn more efficiently by myself.

I think that for a well-rounded autodidact, school should be another tool in the toolbox. Consider learning a foreign language: You can learn to read and write by yourself, and you can find partners on the Internet and learn to speak and understand. But empirically, most people who try to learn a language by themselves fail, either through a dropoff in motivation or through lack of understanding of how to learn. Some can succeed, but for most people I recommend finding a good class, partly because it will help keep your motivation up.

By: ikl Sat, 03 Dec 2011 06:16:18 +0000 No, the philosopher who wrote the article teaches at University of Vermont. Google it. The paper is available online. The author was not the job candidate interviewed for the article who does apparently write about the non-identity problem – the example would have made somewhat more sense if he had been.

By: lemmy caution Fri, 02 Dec 2011 22:40:34 +0000 t care about the facts enough to make even a trivial effort to get them right)." The philosopher was looking for a job as a law school professor though. The application of Derek Parfit's utilitarian ethics to law is interesting but not anything lawyer really needs to know. There is a belief system at elite law schools that values the abstract over the practical. It is hard to weed out since to move toward the practical risks reducing the status of the law school. The effects of good grades from an elite law school sure are practical enough.]]> “For example, it cited a philosophy article, written by a philosopher, published in a philosophy journal as an example of a arcane nature and practical irrelevance of legal scholarship (of course, a suitable law review article could easily have been found – the point is that the author didn’t care about the facts enough to make even a trivial effort to get them right).”

The philosopher was looking for a job as a law school professor though. The application of Derek Parfit’s utilitarian ethics to law is interesting but not anything lawyer really needs to know.

There is a belief system at elite law schools that values the abstract over the practical. It is hard to weed out since to move toward the practical risks reducing the status of the law school. The effects of good grades from an elite law school sure are practical enough.

By: ikl Fri, 02 Dec 2011 16:23:15 +0000 There are a number of serious issues with the current model of legal education, but the article was basically a hatchet job written by somebody too ignorant of a basic landscape to distinguish serious from spurious critiques.

By: Timothy Burke Fri, 02 Dec 2011 14:38:39 +0000 Thanks for that, ikl. The article seemed plausible to me but it’s useful to know that there’s a very strong argument against the picture it painted. And of course some the debate surrounding a portrait like that tracks against “liberal arts” vs. “vocational” divides in general, and I’m squarely on the side of believing that a “liberal arts” approach is in the end a better way to learn how to do something concrete–so in this sense, I don’t think that just rehearsing the nitty-gritty, procedural, applied work of lawyering is what law schools ought to be doing. You can’t learn how to make a good argument (either in a brief or in a courtroom) as a mechanical exercise that involves following three or four reproducible steps.
