Comments on: Mindful of Money Culture, Politics, Academia and Other Shiny Objects Thu, 12 Mar 2009 21:15:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: sibyl Thu, 12 Mar 2009 21:15:25 +0000 I was all set to take issue with your post until I saw your followup from 3/11/09:9:23. There’s a huge difference between the whole faculty making decisions about the relative service priorities of the athletic center and the whole faculty examining the question of whether to save $22,000 by turning off this set of lights, and your latter post sees that.

You are right about the limitations of this kind of budgeting, which is why so many leaders find it easier to impose across-the-board cuts rather than go through the hard work of demonstrating that there are no free riders. If leaders do not enjoy the trust of their constituents — for good reasons or ill — they will take this route.

A good leader will celebrate the managers who economize successfully, and find ways to reward and punish people that go beyond use-it-or-lose-it budgeting. Good leadership of this kind is hard to find — especially when so many faculty decide that it’s beneath them to provide such leadership.

By: hwc Wed, 11 Mar 2009 20:08:02 +0000 Thank you. That helps put the court lighting example into context.

I would hate to see the outside examiner’s program cut. In addition to being a significant contributor to what make Swarthmore Swarthmore academically, I believe that it has played a major role in marketing the College’s brand to the academic community. 75 years of enjoyable visits has surely provoked more than a bit of word of mouth.

I was simply using the program as an example of the kinds of hard cuts that are going to have to be discussed going forward.

The transition from President Bloom to President Chopp may also be a blessing. Both are obviously familiar with the limited options to cut big chunks of a college operating budget. There just aren’t that many choices. So Bloom can do a Rebecca Chopp a big favor by being the “bad guy” on a few tought cuts on his way out the door. Honestly, though, I expect the Swarthmore community to largely accept the concept of shared sacrifice.

By: Timothy Burke Wed, 11 Mar 2009 19:39:32 +0000 Well, the costs of the entire Honors program were actually a huge subject of concern the last time there was a major campus review of the program (right about when I started at Swarthmore, so a while back). I don’t think faculty or administrators were reluctant to talk about the major costs, and some even argued it was one significant reason to just jettison the whole system. But a lot of alumni felt very passionately about the Honors program, as did many faculty. So supporting the costs of the program were a fairly significant part of the last major capital campaign the college embarked upon. I think there’s a lot to be said for not constantly revisiting a commitment like that every year even when money gets tight or priorities seem to shift, even if you yourself might argue for some other use for those resources.

The court lighting case is just an example of the kinds of savings that people are trying to come up with on a distributed basis. Since we try to decentralize at least some decision-making, that leaves a lot of units within the college trying to come up with something to offer back to senior staff as possible savings. So these mostly aren’t savings ideas that are coming down from a single centralized decision-maker, but ideas that are floating up in response to a centralized request that we all look for savings. Some comparable initiatives include cutting out coffee or food at some meetings, strong reminders to shut down computers after hours, requests that we draw our Honors examiners with a consciousness of the relative costs of travel, that sort of thing. But these aren’t substitutes for thinking about big-ticket shifts in the budget–as I understand it, there’s also a lot of thinking going about some of the bigger decisions too. Naturally that’s a big complicated when we’re transitioning from one president to another.

By: hwc Wed, 11 Mar 2009 19:29:13 +0000 Of course, the harder budget decision isn’t the dinners, but rather the discussion of the cost of the outside examiners, which much run into tht six figures. That’s a real sacred cow at Swarthmore and a budget discussion nobody wants to have.

Prof. Burke, could you put the the tennis court lighting discussion into some context. If that discussion occurred after many discussions of more substantive budget issues, then it would seem the deliberations are quite thorough. On the other hand, if that were discussed early on as the best cost-cutting idea anyone could think of, then…

By: Timothy Burke Wed, 11 Mar 2009 14:06:04 +0000 It’s not easy for me or anyone else to examine the fine-grained details of the budget on demand, e.g., if I suddenly decided I wanted to look at the spending of another academic unit in the college, I couldn’t. But on the other hand, faculty and staff do get a variety of looks at the more detailed side of the budget in the course of committee work, sometimes looking at quite specific (though often appropriately redacted) allocations. There’s also some effort to rotate faculty and staff through a major standing committee that meets on the budget every year, not so much because the faculty and staff on that committee have a lot of governance or authority over budgetary decisions through the committee but in order to increase literacy about the basic architecture of the budget.

Though I’m arguing for transparency in this post, I can see why it might be counterproductive to allow me (or any outsider) to look at the line-item specifics of spending. It’s a bit like the Golden Fleece awards phenomenon: sometimes Proxmire and his successors really get it right in picking out something that’s a waste of money, but sometimes they just read off the surface of a funding decision and decide it’s self-evidently silly without looking at what’s actually going on. Some of the most sober, mainstream sounding funding (at the federal level or inside a college or other institution) might be where the real waste or malfeasance lies, but if you’ll miss that if just rely on reading out from the paper record of a budget.

That said, I think a lot more sunshine would help for the reasons I lay out in this post. It’s a bit like the energy bills that are popping up in parts of the country where your own energy consumption gets compared, anonymously, to your neighbors. That’s a bit obnoxious, but if you want to people to adjust their usage, it helps them to know just how their usage compares to others. To use a local example, one part of our annual Honors examinations where we invite external examiners to evaluate our Honors students are departmental dinners the night before the exams conclude. The faculty has been asked to make sure that those dinners are kept relatively low-key and affordable this year–something we’ve been asked before, but the request has a new urgency this year. It wouldn’t be a bad thing after the expenses come in, every department got back a document that said something like, “Your department had average per capita expenses for your Honors dinner” or “You were the most expensive per capita department on campus for your Honors dinner”–something that gave you some information about where your financial behavior stood in relationship to everyone else.

By: dkane Wed, 11 Mar 2009 02:23:54 +0000 Great post.

Does Swarthmore make it easy for you (and others) to examine the budget? Williams makes it very hard for outsiders (read: non-administrators) to have any meaningful sense of where the money goes.

By: Laura Tue, 10 Mar 2009 19:36:06 +0000 I had a meager budget, especially compared to the $1.5 million budget I had in a corporate setting. I don’t even like managing my own personal money, so when I’m managing someone else’s, I’m quite careful. The first or second year of my tenure, I only spent half my budget. I thought it ridiculous to go out and spend the rest of it just because. When I asked about this, I was told the department could use it as we were over budget in some areas. I was happy to help, but a year or two later, people started filching from my budget. People came and said, you haven’t spent your money yet and we need more for x, so can we have it. That pissed me off, since in some years, I did spend all my budget and then some, when I replaced an entire lab of equipment. The last year I was there, after I’d had this happen to me a couple of times, I blew all my money at the end of the year on stuff we really didn’t need. Great lesson I learned, huh? I mentioned this a couple of times and yes, they talked about rolling over budgets, etc. I said I’d be happy with some kind of small token–a gift certificate or iPod perhaps, and recognition and some college wide meeting. But no, nothing was done.

At one point there was talk of making the budget more transparent, but that didn’t really happen. It sure would make things easier now if it were.

By: Timothy Burke Tue, 10 Mar 2009 17:30:47 +0000 The roll-over idea is a great one. I think the main reason that it makes budget directors uncomfortable is that it provides an incentive to pad your budget (but in my view, such incentives exist even without a roll-over) and it’s a tempting target for embezzlement or misuse (e.g., this is how you end up with slush funds). But seems to me you could solve the second problem just with some appropriate safeguards and reporting requirements.

By: topometropolis Tue, 10 Mar 2009 17:00:55 +0000 With regards to the mad rush of spending at the end of a budget year, I read about a university (in the South, I think, perhaps Tennessee) which dealt with a budget shortfall in part by changing the rules so budget surpluses at the department level would carry forward to future years. This is resulted in a few percent reduction in spending for that fiscal year.

One way to provide incentives for good stewardship is to push responsibilities and money down to lower levels, and then let these units keep at least a portion of any savings they get from improved stewardship. For instance, at my university we’re in the process of having departments pay for their own energy costs. A few years ago, energy was paid for at the level the statewide university system from a separate budget and so there was no incentive to conserve. Now it’s down to the level of the individual colleges on each campus, and already conservation measures are being taken (e.g. upgrading lighting fixtures) though, as you say, it’s not clear to me when a particular such measure is worthwhile.
