Comments on: It’s a Fair Cop Culture, Politics, Academia and Other Shiny Objects Tue, 17 Oct 2006 16:52:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: withywindle Tue, 17 Oct 2006 16:52:32 +0000 I was wondering when we would get to that chestnut. *We were lucky.* Stalin played with fire, both at Berlin in 1948 and in his acquiescence/support of the North Korean invasion of South Korea in 1950; since he was getting increasingly mad, we are very fortunate that he died as early as he did. Mao urged Khruschev to nuclear war in the 1950s, thinking that in an exchange of destruction, more Communists (i.e., Chinese) would survive. Khruschev provoked crises in Berlin and Cuba, both of which came frighteningly close to nuclear war. Even late Brezhnev, with his ever-increasing stockpile of nuclear weapons, was creating an unstable situation. Above and beyond all that, Communism was a this-worldly philosophy, with a belief in inevitable victory from the God of progress that allowed for a certain passivity at crucial moments; this might reassure us about Kim, if he actually is a Communist, but not about the Ahmedinejads, Husseins, and Osamas. In short: just because we were lucky enough to survive one protracted nuclear standoff is hardly a prescription to be blase about entering into multiple protracted nuclear standoffs.

By: Doug Tue, 17 Oct 2006 09:14:35 +0000 On nuclear weapons and madmen: Stalin was deterred; Mao was deterred. Khrushchev and successors, noticeably less disturbed than Stalin, also deterred.

By: Doug Sat, 14 Oct 2006 14:07:15 +0000 re going to -try- and get you out of the green phase and into something a little less verdant, if you follow. West Country jeans in a pale shade of dried pipeweed, slightly distressed for that ‘hustle up that latte,my horsie’s double-parked’ look, and a side-buttoned orcsblood silk shirt from Miss Shelob’s Lair. And, since you obviously must have something to charm an Ent’s taste, an acid-green hanky in the pocket. -Another- pocket, please. Good. As for the vest, we all understand you have troll issues, so it stays under protest. Just don’t flap your arms; it’ll make you look like a crocheted deLorean.” — Lidless Eye for the Half Guy, Third Season]]> Apropos references, Mike Ford again, on the cutnpaste from Making Light:

“…which tone/goes with a mithril-chain vest?”

“We’re going to -try- and get you out of the green phase and into something a little less verdant, if you follow. West Country jeans in a pale shade of dried pipeweed, slightly distressed for that ‘hustle up that latte,my horsie’s double-parked’ look, and a side-buttoned orcsblood silk shirt from Miss Shelob’s Lair. And, since you obviously must have something to charm an Ent’s taste, an acid-green hanky in the pocket. -Another- pocket, please. Good. As for the vest, we all understand you have troll issues, so it stays under protest. Just don’t flap your arms; it’ll make you look like a crocheted deLorean.”

— Lidless Eye for the Half Guy, Third Season

By: withywindle Sat, 14 Oct 2006 05:16:14 +0000 Tim, of course, is the ideal reader for my posts, which is doubtless why I keep posting here; where else will I find someone who gets all my references?

Doug: I take nuclear weapons in the hands of madmen very, very seriously. Do you honestly think I would support the war if I didn’t think the stakes were so high? If it’s only worth invading Iraq up to, say 10K Americans dead, it almost certainly isn’t worth invading at all. I am extraordinarily grateful that an invasion that would be worthwhile at the cost of 500K American dead has cost fewer than 3K and counting.

By: Doug Fri, 13 Oct 2006 18:45:48 +0000 Nah. Here’s something by John M. Ford instead. It’s a blog comment, reprinted in the memorial series of Occasional Works over at Making Light, and it has no bearing on the debate but may amuse people anyway.

A Coupla Blue Wizards Sittin’ Around Talkin’

“So, want to succumb?”
“I hear everybody’s succumbing. Except that swot Gandalf.”
“Well, yes, of course except Dynamite Dick, but what in the name of Feanor’s balls are you on about?”
“Succumbing. You know.”
“Up until this very instant I thought I did. What do you think it means?”
“Well, I mean, you know -” [whispers]
“I see. Well, in actual fact, succubi may be involved in certain particular cases, not that I am going to mention names, but I believe you have once again managed to grasp the warg by the wrong end.”
“Oh. Want to do it anyway?”
“Yeah, bugger this for a game of Rohirrim. Let’s go into the West.”
“What’s in the West?”
“Vegas, Ithron baby, Vegas.”

By: Timothy Burke Fri, 13 Oct 2006 18:08:42 +0000 Different lembas. Withywindle is referring to Gollum in Lord of the Rings being unable to stomach the food of the elves, which is a kind of bread called lembas. When he tries eating it, it tastes like ashes to him, even though it is in fact spiritually wholesome and sustaining to people of good intent.

If you want to fire back with a suitable metaphor, you can suggest that Bush’s words are in fact like the vile orc liquor which gives them a kind of bestial vigor but which all non-orcs find repulsive.

By: Doug Fri, 13 Oct 2006 16:54:09 +0000 Withywindle, do you seriously think that Iraq is worth half a million American lives? If so, why? (If you’ve already been through this, a pointer will do.)

I’ll confess, I’m boggled. That’s twice the number of KIAs as in WWII and within 10 percent the total number of battle deaths in all of America’s wars since independence. You’re saying that Iraq is as important as all the other wars the United States has fought–combined.

In practical terms, I think this means that your support for war in Iraq is unreserved and unlimited, that there is no point at which you would say you had had enough.

(I also missed your lemba reference, though what I know of lembas is mostly filtered through Wm Gibson, with a faint recollection of The Serpent and the Rainbow.)

By: withywindle Thu, 12 Oct 2006 18:16:25 +0000 Doug asked what my standard was; I gave it. You can call it tendentious–and I would take the flat denial of such a relation to be equally tendentious–but it is a standard. It’s reasonable for Doug to ask me to present some standard; it’s less reasonable to ask me to take as given or not given everything you believe to be Just So.

You are also fuzzing “established given.” Is “established given” “nuclear bomb,” or “the serious risk of a nuclear bomb”? The latter, to my mind, establishes sufficient relation between nuclear deaths in NYC and conventional deaths in Iraq–and I do not quite see how can say “serious risk” can be anything but “uncontestable.”

By: Timothy Burke Thu, 12 Oct 2006 16:31:38 +0000 Now that, I have to say, is a tendentious standard. Because it takes as uncontestable that the relation between Americans fighting in Iraq and the prevention of a nuclear bomb blast in lower Manhattan is an established given, that if there is not such an attack on American soil within X duration, that will be self-evidently a consequence of invading Iraq.

By: withywindle Thu, 12 Oct 2006 16:08:30 +0000 I do, of course, take the President as a highly credible source of comment; spit out his words of lembas as much as you like.

If more Americans die fighting in Iraq than will die if a nuclear bomb blast goes off in lower Manhattan at noon on a weekday, then it will not have been worth while to invade Iraq.
